Planter Products

Wally Five Pocket

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Wally Five Pocket

from $149.99

Create an instantly lush vertical garden and experience the magical fun of plants in any environment!

Made from 100% recycled plastic water bottles woven into a soft felt material, these pockets provide both proper air circulation and the correct balance of water retention and drainage that your plants need. 

15" T x 112" W with a soil volume of 2.0 cubic feet of soil (making it the best vertical gardening planter for plants which require decent soil volume)

Optional Services described below: 

Optional Services:
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Optional Services to make it even easier to enjoy your vertical garden:

Research & Design Service puts together a custom detailed plant design, showing you exactly which plants should be planted and where. Each plan takes into account your desires and ideas, the requirements of the plants, and the environment of the area will your garden will be located.

Plant Locator Service is an add-on to the Research & Design Service that takes yet another step off your list by locating a reputable plant nursery in your area who can supply the plants we've chosen for your garden. In some cases we can even arrange to have the plants delivered to you.

Reservoir Options: 

With a Reservoir - includes a military grade, built-in moisture barrier that wraps around the bottom of the Pocket, from back to front. This barrier creates a reservoir to ensure walls and floors don't get wet. The barrier also conserves water and helps to keep soil's nutrition in your Pocket. Best choice for INDOOR gardens.

Without a Reservoir -good for outdoor applications in rainy environments, it has a recessed moisture barrier that allows proper drainage when it rains.

How to HANG, PLANT, and WATER this Wally.


Universal fasteners and wall anchors are all included. Wally pockets have grommets, spaced 22" apart, at the top of the pocket. All you need to do is screw included fasteners through the grommets and into the vertical surface you are planting on. Detailed instructions can be found here.


You will want to select plants based on the amount of light and temperature in the chosen location. The Plants page makes this part easy for you. Each plant 'theme' is grouped according to the requirements of the plants. Each plant in the plant 'theme' can go in the same vertical garden. Plant 'themes' are grouped by light categories. For a beautiful lush planting, use two or three full sized 6" - 8" plants.  To make this step even easier, consider adding the Research & Design Service.


You can water by hand, or install an Automatic Irrigation System to do the watering for you. Click here for more information.

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